Saturday, May 30, 2009

The goodness of the Lord is great. This is my favorit time of year in S.Africa. the township with it's block homes come alive with the big bright yellow flowers amidst them to give them life. In the middle of the poverty you see life.

Well, that is what I am beginning to see and I believe God to see more. Nomusa the mom of the baby who passed away a few weeks back is out of the hospital and doing so much better. Sometimes I feel I only write about sad things, but seeing her home and moving around reminds me of His ability to heal. Her two boys were with her, and the oldest son who was having trouble stealing and not going to school has agreed to come to chance, I think He just needs to know the goodness of our Lord.

About 21 students from america have come with campus crusade for an outreach....they decended on Ukukhanya only a week after receiving our funds, they are prepping the building for painting from the roof, to the exterior to the hospital beds, sorting clothes brought over for our orphans camp, and books for some local schools. Monday we start visitng the orphans and sick. Prior to coming to us they have been working on the University Campus with studetns. So I am asking God to prepare them for the things they will see.

Two girls came early to outreach here and arrived last night. Pray for Lizbeths lost luggage.
I guess I just wanted to write and ask for your prayers for this season of young people coming to help with our orphan camp, for God to provide for all the needs so all 76 kids can come! He will I am confident... He Loves them and is wild about each one.