Wednesday, October 22, 2008

"Moving on Up"

Well, I apologize for it being so long since I blogged. Our motto is "nothing is easy" in Africa. Sometimes, we have trouble with our internet access, very tempermental. And lately we have been exhausted. Many late nights and full days. Hopefully we are back in full focus now.

My bone infection and teeth are healed, my new glasses are here, and all in all, we are back in business.

Why did I title the blog....."moving on up", well for several reasons.

First, Brooke and myself had to make an unplanned move. Our roommate who owned the house we were renting rooms in, decided it was best we move, she is trying to sell her home and well, lets just leave it to say, we felt it was necessary to make a move. We were only homeless (not literally, but knew we were moving and didn't know where) for about 10 minutes. We were offered a 2 bedroom granny flat on the property of some dear friends, Malcohlm and Vanessa , it is secure and has a TV (tee-hee) not that we needed that. Anyhow we will stay here until we leave to return to America in 4 short weeks, and we can leave our things here until we return in February when we will look for permanent accommadations. God is faithful.

We also are moving up in our vehicle department! You got it, we have made a purchase (thanks Jim and Jeanne). We bought a Mitsubishi Colt (4 door, truck or baakie as they say, with a canopy or topper as we say). It is silver in color, it is a 2X4 which will be good on all the potholes in Ntuzuma, and well we are pretty excited!!! Oh yeah it is a 2001 with l02,000 km. Of course it had a tracker on it (a device that if you report your car stolen helicopters and vehicles go out an locate it due to the tracking device) an anti hijack system was installed in order to get insurance in our "hood" Neighborhood that is. Which is the picture of what you see. We are thanking God for this provision and after 4 hours in the registration office (i am a foriegner you know, extra work) we are proud to say we are in operation again.

Prince is transporting patients, and we go tomorrow to get supplies for the caregivers. Again the government kits are not in so we are needing to purchase some supplies. We are Praising God for all He has been up too.

I would like to give some praises and some prayer requests.

Pray for Baby Boy in our church I call him "little man", this sunday someone asked me to come and help as the 2 month old child of one of the young girls in our fellowship was choking and gagging and having trouble breathing. I went back to hold the baby.... He was I can tell something isn't right, whether it is seizures or apnea, something was wrong. We prayed and he did better, we took him to the clinic and got medication for upper respitory issue and now we are monitoring his discomfort and gagging to see if it might be more serious. It is hard because the first thing you want to do is ask mom and baby if they have been tested. So pray for him and timing to address status with mom.

Pray for the family of the "baba" father with gangrene that we got out of a Shack about 2 weeks ago, He had his leg amputated last Wednesdayh and two days later he has passed away. He was so sick. Funeral should be Saturday but lots of family issues.

Pray for the team back in Kansas, I think there is weariness for them and the Board. So please cover both locations where the work is going on.
Pray for Brooke as she got bit by something and it is quite red.
Pray for safety for us and our families as we move abotu our lovely Ntuzuma.

Praises: For my dental work and glasses to be replaced.
Our new home and those who blessed us by giving us a place to come
Headway with the orphans grants,
Our new is so nice.
The counsellor Magistrates for the area, are asking the squatters to move off our property this will enablel us to prepare some rooms for emergency hospice care. The people need to move by november l5th.

Thanks for all your prayers and I hope to do better at the blogging business.


Lisa S said...

Yes- Penny agreeing in both the prayers and praises with and for you and your teams. MANY blessings to you ALL!!!

Peace and love in Him..



victory girl said...

Still with you in prayer and thought, as are all the gang in St. Louis!
Much love,